6311 Dayton Blvd. | Hixson, TN 37343 | (423) 847-6557
I-75 / Atlanta At exit 4, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto SR-153 towards TN-153 / Airport /
Chickamauga Dam go 12.4 miles Road name changes to Dayton Pike 0.1 miles
Bear LEFT (North-West) onto Boy Scout Rd, then immediately turn LEFT (South)
onto Dayton Pike 0.2 miles Keep RIGHT onto Dayton Blvd towards Red Bank /
Chattanooga 0.3 miles
I-75 towards I-75 / Chattanooga 77.0 Miles
At exit 7, turn RIGHT onto Ramp towards US-11 / US-64 / Lee Hwy 0.2 Miles
Road name changes to US-11 [SR-2] 0.4 Miles
Turn RIGHT (West) onto SR-317 [Bonny Oaks Dr] 3.9 Miles
Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto SR-153 towards TN-153 8.4 Miles
Road name changes to Dayton Pike 0.1 Miles
Bear LEFT (North-West) onto Boy Scout Rd, then immediately turn LEFT (South)
onto Dayton Pike 0.2 MIles
Keep RIGHT onto Dayton Blvd towards Red Bank / Chattanooga 0.3 Miles
FROM 24East (Nashville)
US-24 towards Chattanooga At exit 178, turn RIGHT onto Ramp towards US-27 /
US-11 / US-41 / US-64 / Broad St / Chattanooga / Lookout Mt 0.1 Miles
Take Ramp (LEFT) onto US-27 towards US-27 / Chattanooga 12.7 Miles
Keep RIGHT onto Ramp towards Dayton Pike / TN-153 S / Chickamagua Dam
0.2 Miles
Keep RIGHT to stay on Ramp towards TN-153 S / Chickamagua Dam 0.1 Miles
Bear RIGHT (South) onto Dayton Pike 0.4 Miles
Keep RIGHT onto Dayton Blvd towards Red Bank / Chattanooga 0.3 Miles